Tuckshop days are held approximately once per term. They are co-ordinated by a sub-committee of the P&C association. Information will be provided in the newsletter preceding the date of the tuckshop day. All orders and payment must be handed in to the locked boxes adjacent to the office area by the due date.
Lunches and microwave
The school has a microwave in the library available for students to heat up food. This privilege is extended only to those who provide their own cutlery and crockery. It is also only provided if staff are available to supervise (this cannot always be the case). It is also necessary that when items such as pasta, noodles or soup are brought to school that a thermos be used. For safety reasons, children are discouraged from having very hot foods.
The parent of any child who forgets their lunch will be contacted to bring it to school. The school is unable to provide lunches for students.