The Department of Education is progressively releasing a range of online learning materials for students in years Prep to 12 which will be available on the Department of Education's website from Friday 20 March. This is not designed to replace the need for students to attend school.
To Access the Learning @ Home resources, please click HERE
If schools temporarily close, teachers may move some or all of your children’s learning online. Most Queensland state school students already have experience in working online using tools such as email, OneDrive, Class Notebook, or the The Learning Place which has tools like Virtual Classrooms, Web Conferencing and edStudios.
Additional resources and links
There are many educational websites that provide learning activities for students of all ages. To help you select relevant activities when visiting these websites look at the Prep to Year 10 Australian Curriculum Parent information
webpage to see what your children will be learning in each learning area at each stage of schooling.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and families are advised that these resources may contain images, voices, names or references to deceased persons. This may be in the form of photographs, film, audio recordings or printed material included or referenced as part of this resource.
Some of these resources contain sensitive issues for the purposes of critical study. Parents are encouraged to consider the suitability of resources for their children.
Typing Tournament is another online platform which Greenlands State School offers free of charge to all familes. We use Typing Tournament from Year 1 as part of our Learning Technology Skills Program.
Typing Tournament Online is simple and fun to use yet powerful and sophisticated. It uses a unique combination of mastery learning, teaching sequences and games to motivate both children and adults to learn the vital skill of keyboarding. Informed by in-class research it is packed full of clever, innovative features that reduce the supervision load for teachers, actively guide children through the activities for optimal learning and ensure that they are using the right fingers on the right keys. It teaches typing for life!
Acess Typing Tournament by using the students login HERE