Our school has long been regarded as a high performing school. Students are provided with a wide variety of experiences and opportunities to succeed. We participate in all Granite Belt Competitions and provide other opportunities outside the region.
Some recent success has included:
- Granite Belt Sumo Robotics Champions
- STEAM competition winners
- Small School Cricket Champions
- Granite Belt Netball Champions
- Highly Commended Premier's Coding Challenge
- Runner Up Granite Belt Lecturette Competition
- 1st Place Border District Eisteddfod Tiny Tots Choir Prep - 2
- Granite Belt Maths Challenge Winner Primary School
- QLD Association of Maths Teachers District Champions
The data to support this comes from many sources including:
- School Improvement Unit 2018 Report connects viewers to the profile and results conducted during our recent school audit process for teaching and learning domains. This report is located in the documents section.
- Year 6 graduate survey results - Graduate students are surveyed after 6-9 months at high school to see how well they have been prepared for their secondary education. Data indicates a very high level of satisfaction from a wide range of secondary schools.
- School Opinion Survey - which contains the latest available parents
data, student data table, staff response data in 16 page report.
- NAPLAN results.
If you cannot download the document/s linked from this page, please contact us and we will provide a copy via the school office.